Looking for Ideas to Involve Children in Your Church?
When children are given a bulletin of their own each week, they know worship is for them too. Biblically based, our Children's Worship Bulletins offer a fun and educationally sound way to (quietly) involve children in your weekly services. By providing a children's church lesson, designed specifically for them, your kids become interested in worship in an exciting and educational way!
Membership to our electronic Children's Worship Bulletins service provides you the ultimate in convenience. Each Monday we'll email your customized bulletin for the week, based on the Scripture schedule you choose to follow. Simply print the number of copies you'll need for the week and you're all set to go. Children will be excited to attend church every week to see what new activities will be available.
Customizable for Your Church
Incorporate Bible study in your church for youth ranging from 3-12 years old by using biblically based children's activities. Our bulletins provide hours of quiet activities for children to partake in. Children will have a sense of belonging when sharing in the same message as their family members while they engage in our fun bulletins.
You don't have to provide kids with a generic church lesson when you can customize the lesson with your church's identity, choose exactly the right Scripture and theme to match the day's message, and print as many copies as you need — in color or black and white. Ideas for a children's church have never been easier to find.
Bible Study Made Easy
Coming up with ideas to involve children in your church can be difficult. But with bulletins that span the majority of the Bible, you can easily supplement content and biblical learning for Vacation Bible School, kid's church lessons, Sunday school, after-school programs, or family activity. New material is added each quarter to the Old Testament, Gospels, and Epistles bulletins.

Our church lessons are specially designed to help children understand the Bible's teachings. Use these fun, worthwhile, and scripturally accurate puzzles to provide an important foundation for your church lessons. We provide children's church bulletins that are perfect for homework, for extra credit, or for reinforcing memory-verse learning.
Rooted in Scripture!
With two age groups available, our bulletins will engage your children in biblical studies at their level and reinforce your church lessons. Children ages 3-6 and 7-12 will have a great time learning about Scripture by independently working on engaging projects. Kids will learn from Scripture in a visual language they can easily understand. Both age groups are filled with pictures, codes, puzzles, seek-and-finds, mazes, connect-the-dots, hidden pictures, word games, and much, much more.
All bulletins come with answer keys and many in color for that special occasion or important event.
Bonus! - If you order one age group, you'll get the second age group at half-price for the first year!
Eliminate waste and save time and money. Print as many as you need, instantly, from our online library filled with thousands of fun bulletins for your kids. Biblical education has never been easier.
Children's Worship Bulletins are Simple to Use
Children's Worship Bulletins are designed for easy duplication on both sides of standard 8-1/2" x 11" paper, giving you 4 full panels of activities for children each week.
Browse our categories and download as many bulletins as you need from our website. Or if you prefer, we will send you each week's bulletin choices electronically by email. The email will include links to choose bulletins from: Old Testament, Gospels and Epistles. Many of the selections have the option to print in black and white or color.

When you sign up for electronic delivery, you'll receive one email each week with the various choices for the week linked to it. The bulletins are in high quality Acrobat PDF format, designed for printing on inkjet and laser printers. You can print out the exact number you need or print just one master and photocopy the rest.
Prefer to prepare a few weeks or months ahead? All new bulletins are published to the member website months in advance so you can go online and download everything you need.
Need a bulletin for a special occasion or last-minute event? Your membership includes access to thousands of additional Old Testament, Gospels, and Epistles bulletins - all indexed and easy to locate with the "Scripture Search" feature. You'll find the perfect bulletin any time, every time.
We GUARANTEE Your Satisfaction
For over 20 years, thousands of churches have relied on our quality children's products.
You're always protected by the full-refund guarantee that has given us a proud reputation: If you're ever less than fully satisfied, simply let us know, and we will issue a full, prompt and courteous refund - no questions asked.
Children's Worship Bulletins is a continuous subscription. We will automatically continue sending you the bulletins well in advance until you cancel. Naturally, you can cancel at any time for any reason.
Either age group of Children's Worship Bulletins is only $4.99 a month. Or, you can receive BOTH age group for only $7.49 a month for your entire first year of your subscription - your second age group is half price!
You have absolutely no risk. Simply complete the electronic form and hit "submit" or call 1 800 992-2144.

"Our children were ecstatic about the bulletins on Sunday. They felt so important to receive their very own bulletins."
- Jo Ann
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